You know u are from sweden when..

1. You have recived at least one glass designed by "Lasse Åberg" in graduation gift.

2. You had nightmares after watching Morran appear in the finnish / japanese cartoon Mumindalen.

3. You got very upset when they replaced the voice actor of "Björne" in "Björnes magasin" even tough you dont even watch it anymore.

4. As a child, you actually expected to be celebrated on your name day.

5. You get nostalgic by thinking of the summer of 1994.

6. You know that it is not true, but you like to believe that there is a massive difference between the taste of "julmust" and "påskmust".

7. You love Kalles Caviar. Everyone else outside scandanavia hates it.

8. You realise the potential and imagination behind a number of Swedish words (like: förfest, träningsvärk, groggvirke, sola, KLOCKRENT)

9. You get frustrated because there is no way you can say these words in any other language and sound correct.


Postat av: Calle ASpman

sola=sun bathing?

2007-07-05 @ 04:21:50

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